Dhrangadhra Sandstone Mining
India is among the leading countries when it comes to mining and export of sandstone. Dhrangadhra
Sandstone is famous for its hardness in all over the world.
Dhrangadhra sandstone and shale have been only slightly disturbed from their original horizontal position. Only a part of the
succession of "beds is exposed. Exposed ' thickness is estimated at 520 m.
Base Is not exposed in any part of the study area. Plant fossils studied by
previous workers indicate that the deposition of Dhrangadhra Formation commenced in the Upper Jurassic and continued through lower
Cretaceous to probably, Middle Cretaceous. Dhrangadhra Formation is divided
into three stages on the basis of lithological (The lithology of a rock unit is a description of its physical
characteristics visible at outcrop, in hand or core sample, or with low magnification microscopy.
Physical characteristics include color, texture, grain size, and
composition.) variations.
The contact between the sagger clay and the overlying sandstone is not gradual. Sudden change in color and grain-size in this sequence shows rapid deposition rand change in deposition conditions. If the quarry is situated at higher elevation, the sandstone is yellow to red but when it is situated in low lying area, it is yellowish white. It means that sandstone at higher elevation contains more ferruginous matter while that in low lying area is free from ferruginous matter.
Video of Dhrangadhra Sandstone mining